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Fire District WSRB Rating

In 2021 the Fire District completed our five-year Washington Survey and Ratings Bureau (WSRB) evaluation.  We are please to inform our community that the overall Protection Class (PC) Rating has improved from a PC7 to a PC6.  The attached documents explain what WSRB ratings mean and what the results of our latest survey reveal.  We are proud of the support from our community and our members to help us achieve this improved rating.  Insurance companies can use this as a tool to determine rates and this may help reduce insurance rates.

Please contact the Fire District if you have any questions about this rating and how it may impact your insurance premium.  Thank you

Here is a copy of the final letter from WSRB indicating our improved Protection Class


Here is a copy of some FAQ regarding WSRB ratings

WSRB and Protection Classes Answers to Your Residents Questions 21.6.24.pdf

Here is a complete copy of the final report
